VOD : Concert filmed live, The invention of the Cristofori pianoforte

Œuvres de Scarlatti, Bononcini, Bitti Ensemble Teatro d'Arcadia (direction Edoardo Torbianelli) Christina Doner, soprano.Jan Thomer, alto. Marc Hantaï, flûte. Leonardo Bortolotto, viole de gambe. Sam Chapman, théorbe. Edoardo Torbianelli, piano Cristofori

About the event

A discovery of the vocal and instrumental repertoire around the use of the "hammered harpsichord" represented by the invention of the "piano e forte" by Cristofori in Florence in 1700.

This new keyboard - prized as much by the great Farinelli as described by Charles Burney or CPE Bach - provides a refined sound framework allowing the voices to blossom without forcing them. Its smoothness is ideally suited to the other instrument invented in the 18th century, the traverso.

This program proposed by the Ensemble Teatro di Arcadia takes us to the aesthetics of Florence in the early eighteenth century at the court of the Medici: Alessandro Scarlatti, Giovanni Bononcini, Martino Bitti, Paolo Benedetto Bellinzani, Giuseppe Sammartini 

Copy of a Cristofori Pianoforte 1726, kindly provided by Kerstin Schwarz (dealer and collector)

Ensemble Teatro di Arcadia : Christina Boner, Soprano Jan Thomer, Alto Marc Hantai, Traverso Sam Chapman, Théorbe Leonardo Bortolotto, Viole de gambe Edoardo Torbianelli, Hammer harpsichord/direction

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